Terms & conditions

General Conditions for the sale of Gift Cards and Access Cards
as well as for access and stay inside the Venue

1. Definitions

1.1. For the purposes of the interpretation and application of these General Conditions, the expressions below shall have the following meaning:

- Access Cards: overall, the Tickets, the Subscriptions and the Premium Hospitality Packages and put on sale by the Organiser in connection with FITP Events;
- Authorised sales channels: overall, the Websites (for the purchase of Access Cards and Gift Cards), the Gift Card Website (for the purchase of Gift Card) and the physical and online points of sale (https://www.ticketone.it) of TicketOne S.p.A. (for the purchase of Tickets and Subscriptions);
- BNL Italy Major Premier Padel: the padel event for men’s and women’s padel players, part of the “Premier Padel” circuit, run by the International Padel Federation;
- BNL IMPP Website: the website dedicated to the purchase of Access Cards for the BNL Italy Major Premier Padel as well as Gift Cards, available at https://tickets.bnlitalymajorpremierpadel.com;
- Consumer Code: Legislative Decree No 206 of 6 September 2005, as amended;
- Premium Hospitality Package: when offered for sale by the Organiser, the Ticket or the Subscription that enables the User to use, during an Event, also catering services in the areas set up for this purpose by the Organiser and any other additional services that the Organiser may have provided, on the dates and in the sessions indicated on the Premium Hospitality Package itself;
- Courts: the tennis courts located within the Venue, where the Matches and/or the Practice Sessions (where provided) of the Events take place;
- Davis Cup Final 8: the finals of the sporting event known as “Davis Cup”, reserved for men’s national tennis teams in which the 8 qualified national representatives will take part, managed by the International Tennis Federation;
- DCF8 Website: the website dedicated to the purchase of Access Cards for the Davis Cup Final 8 and Gift Cards, available at https://tickets.italy.daviscup.com;
- Event: the sporting event (among the FITP Events) which the User is entitled to access;
- Final User: the individual or legal entity, even if different from the Purchaser, who completed the activation process of the Gift Card on the Websites, in order to purchase Tickets or Subscriptions or, where provided, Premium Hospitality Packages;
- FITP Events: the sporting events in relation to which the Organiser offers Access Cards for sale, including the Internazionali BNL d’Italia, the Nitto ATP Finals, the BNL Italy Major Premier Padel and the Davis Cup Final 8;
- General Conditions: these General Conditions, which apply to all Purchasers and Users;
- Gift Card: when offered for sale by the Organiser, a voucher of predetermined value each one having a specific code. The Gift Card can be purchased on the Gift Card Website or on the Websites and subsequently used by the User to purchase Tickets or Subscriptions or, where applicable, Premium Hospitality Packages, on the Websites within the expiry date indicated on Gift Card itself;
- Gift Card Website: the website dedicated to the purchase of Gift Card available at https://giftcard.fitp.it;
- Internazionali BNL d’Italia: the sports event reserved for male and female tennis players, and which part of the ATP Tour Inc. circuit and of the WTA Tour Inc. circuit;
- IBI Website: the website dedicated to the purchase of Access Cards for the BNL d’Italia Internationals as well as Gift Cards, available at https://ticketing.internazionalibnlditalia.com;
- Match: the individual match that takes place during the Event;
- Nitto ATP Finals: the tennis event, reserved for the top male tennis players, which is part of the ATP Tour circuit Inc.;
- NATPF Website: the website dedicated to the purchase of Access Cards for the Nitto ATP Finals as well as Gift Cards, available at https://tickets.nittoatpfinals.com;
- Organiser: the Italian Tennis and Padel Federation, which organises the Events;
- Pass: the nominative accreditation, issued by the Organiser, which allows its holder access to the Event, at the times and in the areas specifically indicated by the Pass itself;
- Practice Session: any sports preparation session carried out by participants in the Event;
- Privacy Policy: the privacy policy provided by FITP pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation EU No. 679/2016 and published on the Website, which is deemed to be referred to in full herein;
- Purchaser: the individual or entity who has purchased Gift Cards and/or Access Cards on one of the Authorised sales channels;
- Subscription: the booklet of Tickets, also in digital format, which allows the User to attend Practice Sessions (where provided) and/or Matches that, during an Event, will be held on the dates and sessions indicated on the Subscription itself;
- Ticket: the entrance ticket, which may also be issued electronically and allows the User to attend Practice Sessions (where provided) and/or Matches that, during an Event, will be held on the dates and in the sessions indicated on the Ticket itself;
- User: a person who is legitimately in possession of an Access Card or a Pass;
- Venue: the areas where the Event takes place and which the User may access only if in possession of an Access Card or a Pass;
- Websites: overall, the websites related to FITP Events, including the BNLIMPP Website, the DCF Website, the IBI Website and the NATPF Website.

2. Scope of Application

2.1. These General Conditions, published on the Websites, and on the Gift Card Website regulate the sale and use of Gift Cards and Access Cards as well as the access and stay inside the Venue during the Event. They supplement the general conditions applied by the entities, other than the Organiser, authorised to sell Access Card.

2.2. The publication on the Websites of these General Conditions and the confirmation of the purchase order provided by the Organiser (or a third party commissioned by the Organiser) to the Purchaser shall be considered as “confirmation of the contract concluded by means of a durable medium” within the meaning of Article 51, paragraph 7, of the Consumer Code. The Purchaser acknowledges that it is excluded - pursuant to Article 59, letter n), of the Consumer Code - the right of withdrawal from the contract governed by these General Conditions, since they relate to the provision of “services relating to leisure activities on a specific date or during a specific period of performance”.

2.3. By purchasing Gift Cards or Access Cards, the Purchaser confirms that he/she has read, known, understood and accepted the provisions of these General conditions and of the Privacy Policy, undertaking to comply with them and, also pursuant to Article 1381 of the Civil Code, to make them known to and accepted by the legitimate Final User, if different from the Purchaser.

3. Purchases of Gift Cards and Access Cards

3.1. Gift Cards and Access Cards shall be purchased exclusively through Authorised sales channels, by paying the price specified therein.

3.2. The purchase of Gift Cards and Access Cards may only take place after registration on the Gift Card Website or on the Websites as provided for in Article 3.3. Individuals are allowed to purchase the Access Cards if they are at least 18 years old.

Registration is free of charge.

In order to register and create the account, the Purchaser shall complete the form provided, enter his/her personal data, and click on the “Registration” button. The personal data (such as name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, tax code, country of residence) provided by the Purchaser when registering shall be true, accurate, current and complete and shall be processed by the Organiser only and exclusively in the manner and for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy.

After registration, the Purchaser may purchase the Access Cards.

4. Special provisions for Gift Cards

4.1. Upon purchase of the Gift Card, the Purchaser receives, at the e-mail address provided upon registration, the code of the Gift Card itself. The Purchaser is obliged to keep this code.

4.2. The Purchaser may become the Final User or may give the Gift Card to another individual or entity.

4.3. The Final User - other than the Purchaser - who intends to use the Gift Card in order to purchase Tickets or Subscriptions or, where applicable, Premium Hospitality Packages shall register on one of the Websites and, upon payment of the purchase order, enter the Gift Card’s code received from the Purchaser to his/her e-mail address.

4.4. The Gift Card allows the purchase of Tickets, Subscriptions and, where applicable, Premium Hospitality Packages, exclusively on one of the Websites and within the expiry date indicated on the Gift Card itself. When purchasing Tickets or Subscriptions and, when provided, Premium Hospitality Packages, the Final User must accept these General Conditions published on each of the Websites, which shall apply to the use of Tickets, Subscriptions and, when provided, Premium Hospitality Packages purchased through a Gift Card.

4.5. It is not possible to use a Gift Card in order to purchase another Gift Card.

4.6. If the value of the Gift Card is equal to the amount of the purchase order for Tickets or Subscriptions or, when provided, Premium Hospitality Packages, the entire value of the Gift Card will be zeroed.

4.7. If the value of the Gift Card is lower than the amount of the purchase order for Tickets or Subscriptions or, when provided, Premium Hospitality Packages, the entire value of the Gift Card will be zeroed and the difference can be paid by the Final User exclusively by credit card or by using another Gift Card.

4.8. If the value of the Gift Card is greater than the amount of the purchase order for Tickets, the value of the Gift Card will be decreased by an amount equal to the amount of the relevant purchase order. In this case, a voucher in the amount equal to the remaining value of the Gift Card will be generated and sent to the email address provided by the Final User in the registration process as a User, along with the Tickets purchased by the same Final User. This voucher can be used exclusively in order to the purchase other Tickets or Subscriptions also by a subject other than the Final User.

4.9. If the value of the Gift Card is greater than the amount of the purchase order for Subscriptions or, when provided, Premium Hospitality Packages, the value of the Gift Card shall be reset and a voucher in the amount of the remaining value of the Gift Card shall not be generated.

5. Rules of access and stay inside the Plant and conduct of the User

5.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 5.14, 5.15 and 5.16, each Access Card constitutes an entry qualification to the Venue that is valid exclusively for the date, the session and the seat (when indicated) indicated therein.
Each Pass constitutes, for the individual for whom it is released, an entry ticket valid within the area and time limits that are specifically indicated in the Pass itself.
If an Access Card or Pass is not used, it may not be replaced with another Access Card or Pass.
In order to enter and stay inside the Venue children younger than 14 years can must be accompanied by an adult.
In order to access and stay inside the Venue, the User must carry the Access Card or Pass.

5.2. If the User has an Access Card purchased from a non-authorised seller, the security personnel may prevent the User from accessing or staying at the Venue; in this case the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.

5.3. If the Ticket or Subscription has been purchased with a discount on the purchase price, such as, for example, the discount for the disabled or for members of the Organiser, the User must carry with him/her, when entering the Venue, a suitable document proving that he/she is the legitimate beneficiary of the discount indicated on the Ticket or Subscription (in the aforementioned cases, the disability certificate or the federal card, respectively), as well as a valid identity document. If the Ticket or the Subscription has been purchased with the discount on the purchase price for the carers of the disabled, the User must enter the Venue together with the disabled who is assisted.
If the User is not the legitimate beneficiary of the right to the discount indicated on the Ticket or Subscription, the control personnel may prevent the User from accessing or remaining at the Venue. Likewise, the access to the Venue may be prevented to the User who, as a carer of a disabled and beneficiary of the discount on the price, enters the Venue on his/her own, separately from the disabled who is assisted. In such cases, the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.

5.4. Any User whose Ticket Card has been stolen, lost, destroyed, deteriorated or damaged in such a way that it is even partially illegible shall not be entitled to any refund or replacement, not even after having reported the loss or theft.

5.5. The Access Card or the Pass must be presented at any request by the control personnel. Any User not in possession of an Access Card or a Pass, or in possession of an Access Card or a Pass that has deteriorated or been damaged in such a way as to be even partially illegible, shall be sent away from the Venue.

5.6. Each Ticket allows access to the Venue only once; consequently, without the prior written consent of the Organiser, a User who has left the Venue will not be able to access it again by presenting the same Ticket.

5.7. The Organiser is the exclusive owner of the image rights of FITP Events. Therefore, the User is allowed to take photographs and visual or audio-visual recordings of the Matches, the Practice Session or other events that take place during the Event, inside the Venue (such as, for example, interviews, cultural events, promotional events, etc.), exclusively for personal purposes. Without the prior written authorisation of the Organiser, it is forbidden for the User to: (i) use images or visual and audio-visual footage relating to the Event for commercial or advertising purposes; (ii) share the images or footage referred to in point (i) above on broadcasting platforms (e.g. social networks, or video-sharing websites such as, purely by way of example, https://www.youtube.com) that do not consent their use to be limited to an exclusively personal scope; (iii) use laptops or other portable electronic devices, inside the stands of the Courts during the Practice Sessions and the Matches, with the exception of the User who - as accredited media at the Event or other person accredited for the sale of goods and services during the Event - makes use of them in the fulfilment of his tasks.

5.8. Closed Circuit Television (“CCTV”) cameras may be installed inside the Venue for security reasons. The Organiser and its delegates may also take video and photographic recordings of the Event. The User hereby authorises to be photographed, recorded, and filmed during the Event, by the Organiser or its delegates, and to have his/her image and voice included in audio-visual footage (collectively, the “Footage”) to be used for transmission, including television, or broadcast on the Organiser's social channels. The User expressly authorises the Organiser to publish and share, by any means and without time limits, his/her voice and image that may be contained in the Footage, stating as of now that he/she has no claims in relation to the authorisation and that he/she waives all economic claims deriving from the sharing and publication of his/her image and voice.

5.9. Within the Venue, the User is prohibited from concluding or accepting bets, either directly or through an intermediary, or from facilitating bets of other people by acts aimed to their conclusion.
The User is also prohibited from collecting, sharing, transmitting, or publishing, by any means and in any time, scores and statistical data relating to Matches (from their beginning to their conclusion) for commercial or betting purposes.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations of this Article 5.9 may result in the withdrawal of the Access Card or Pass and the removal of the User from the Venue; in this case, the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.

5.10. For safety reasons and in application of Law Decree no. 28/2003 (containing “Urgent provisions to counteract the phenomena of violence during sports competitions”), converted into law with amendments by Law no. 88/2003, as subsequently amended and supplemented, it is forbidden to bring the following objects into the Venue (i) weapons of any kind, scissors, stones, knives, sound instruments, systems for the emission of light beams (such as, for example, laser pointers), projectiles, rigid cool bags, long-handled umbrellas or other bulky tools (ii) marbles, tin cans, glass objects (such as bottles, glasses and mugs) and any other breakable objects capable of causing injury to oneself or others; (iii) highly flammable substances and pyrotechnics, such as fireworks, flares, flares, aerosol generators and other devices for the emission of smoke or visible gas (iv) spray cans, substances which are corrosive, deface or in any way injure the health of other persons present at the Venue; (v) alcoholic beverages, drugs, poisons or stimulants; (vi) advertising items, unless previously authorised in writing by The Organiser; (vii) propaganda material with racist, xenophobic, Nazi, sexist or politically motivated slogans; (viii) flagpoles or banners; however, flexible poles of synthetic material and the so-called “two-pole flags” are permitted, not exceeding one metre in length and with a diameter of the poles not exceeding one centimetre; (ix) folding stools or chairs.
It is also forbidden to bring animals into the Venue, except for guide dogs for the blind.
Helmets and short-handled umbrellas as well as retroreflective materials, suitcases, bags and backpacks exceeding the dimensions of 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm are only permitted to be brought into the Venue for the purpose of storage in the area provided for this purpose by the Organiser.
Finally, without the prior written consent of the Organiser, it is forbidden to bring into the Venue (i) drones, cameras or professional video cameras and any other equipment fit for taking photos or realizing videos of such quality to be exploited for commercial and advertising purposes; (ii) technological equipment capable of sharing live scores and statistics data of the Matches as well as live or on-demand broadcasting of images and sound of the Matches, of the Practice Session or of any other event held in the Venue (such as, for example, interviews, cultural or promotional events etc.); (iii) gadgets or promotional/advertising materials.
The User may be subject to inspections (personal inspections and/or on bags and wrappings or any other object carried with him/her) aimed at preventing the introduction of illicit, prohibited and/or dangerous materials into the Venue.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations contained in this provision may result in the withdrawal of the Access Card or Pass and the removal of the User from the Venue; in this case the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.

5.11. Inside the Venue, the User shall scrupulously comply with the applicable health and safety provisions, carrying out any action and adopting any measure prescribed for this purpose by the laws in force and/or by specific health protocols adopted for the Event.
In particular, access to the Venue for Users is subject to compliance with specific health regulations concerning the holding of sporting events; in order to assess compliance with these provisions, the User may be subject to inspections and controls. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in the withdrawal of the Access Card or Pass and the removal of the User from the Venue; in this case the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.

5.12. Inside the Venue, the User shall behave correctly and in accordance with the rules of good manners and decency. By way of example only, the User is prohibited from: (i) climb over any wall, fence, gate or other similar structure located at the Venue; (ii) listen to radios inside the Venue without the use of headphones; (iii) use mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices in modes other than the so-called “silent” or “do not disturb” or “airborne” modes upon entering the stands of the Courts (being understood that their continuous use is permitted exclusively to accredited journalists and to the Event’s delegates in the fulfilment of their tasks).
Infringement of even one of the prohibitions of this Article 5.12 constitutes a serious breach and may result in the withdrawal of the Access Card or Pass and the removal of the User from the Venue; in this case, the User shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or compensation.
In addition, the Organiser shall not allow access to the Venue to individuals who, because of their inclusion in the so-called “no credential list” produced by the International Tennis Integrity Agency (i.e. the international organisation set up to combat the phenomenon of tennis competitions whose results are unlawfully influenced), are prohibited from participating in any case in the tennis events, including the Event, set out in the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program, fully published on the website of the International Tennis Integrity Agency (https://itia.tennis).
In any case, the Organiser reserves the right to deny access to or send away from the Venue those who behave in an improper or dangerous manner to themselves or others.

5.13. In addition to complying with these General Conditions, the User is obliged to scrupulously comply with the instructions of the police authorities, control personnel and technical personnel responsible for the Venue.
The User, in any case, assumes exclusive responsibility for the consequences of facts attributable to him/her (occurring within the Venue) which result harmful to the Organiser or to third parties, expressly exonerating and indemnifying the Organiser from any relative liability and from any claims from third parties. By way of example, the User undertakes to indemnify the Organiser against any prejudicial consequences arising from (i) breach by the User of his/her obligations under these General Conditions; (ii) infringement of the rights and interests of third parties, for which the User is responsible during his/her access to and stay at the Venue; (iii) infringement by the User, during his/her access to and stay at the Venue, of laws, regulations, or measures of the Public Authorities.

5.14. In the event that, for reasons not attributable to the Organiser (including, for example, the compliance with provisions of Public Authorities, International Sports Authorities or Sports Authorities higher than the Organiser himself), a reduction in the maximum capacity of the Venue is established the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Access Cards exceeding the permitted capacity, with the consequent full reimbursement of the relevant price (net of any pre-sale costs), by re-crediting the bank account from which the payment was made or by other means that will be promptly communicated. The cancellation of Access Cards will take place: i) with regard to Access Cards which indicate numbered seats, taking into account each sector into which each Court is divided and according to the time order of purchase (starting from the last one); ii) with regard to Access Cards which do not indicate numbered seats, according to the time order of purchase (starting from the last one).
The decision on the cancellation of Access Cards will be taken by the Organiser after a previous assessment of the permitted capacity and no later than the tenth day before the start of the Event, regardless of the number of Access Cards sold up to that time.
If, after that date and until the conclusion of the Event, public access to the Venue is further reduced, the Organiser will proceed with further cancellations according to the above criteria.
If, following the cancellation of the Access Cards in excess of the permitted capacity and until the conclusion of the Event, public access to the Venue is permitted to a greater extent, the Organiser will entitle the Users holding the cancelled Access Cards, identified according to the order in which the cancellation was made, the right to make such Access Cards effective again with consequent waiver of reimbursement, for a period of 24 hours (or, if the Event is already in progress, 12 hours) starting from the relevant communication by e-mail or text message at the contact details provided during registration.
Also taking into account the general awareness of the concrete risk that the maximum capacity of the Venue may be limited, the Organiser does not assume any liability for any claims for damages and/or for compensation, made by anyone and other than the reimbursement of the price of the Access Cards in the terms described above.

5.15. Should it become necessary for technical-organisational reasons or for reasons not attributable to the Organiser (including, for example, the compliance with provisions of Public Authorities, International Sports Authorities or Sports Authorities above the Organiser himself), the Organiser reserves the right to assign to Users having Access Cards which indicate numbered seats, seats or rows of seats other than those indicated on the relevant Access Card. In the event that it is not possible to assign a seat of an equivalent or higher category than the seat indicated on the purchased Access Card, the Organiser shall reimburse only the difference between the price of the Access Card purchased and the price of the Access Card assigned as a replacement (by re-crediting the bank account from which the payment was made or by other methods that will be promptly communicated). Alternatively, the User shall have the right to forego the use of the Access Card assigned in substitution, if it is of a category lower than that indicated on the purchased Access Card, with the consequent full reimbursement of the relative price (net of any pre-sale costs), by re-crediting the bank account from which the payment was made or other methods that will be promptly communicated.

5.16. Should it become necessary for technical-organisational or meteorological reasons, the Organiser reserves the right to change the dates, times and the Courts where the Practice Session or the Matches will take place.
In the cases provided for in this Article 5.16, the price of the Access Card (net of any pre-sale costs) will be reimbursed by the Organiser, exclusively in the event that no Practice Session or none of the Matches, initially scheduled in the session indicated on the relevant Access Card, is held on the day indicated. In any event, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to reimbursement of the cost of the Access Card which indicate numbered seat (nor to its replacement), in the event that one or more Matches, scheduled in the session and on the Courts for which the Access Card was purchased, are held, for technical-organisational or meteorological reasons, on the scheduled day but at times or on Courts other than those originally scheduled.

General Provisions

6. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 5.14, 5.15 and 5.16 with regard to the reimbursement of the price of Access Cards, and except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, the Organiser shall not be liable, for any reason, for expenses and damages, direct or indirect, of any nature, suffered by the Purchaser and/or by the User in relation to the sale of Access Cards, to any changes of the Court and/or of the date and time of the Matches and the Practice Session or to the their non-performance or to the replacement of seats or rows of seats.

7. Pursuant to Law Decree no. 28/2003 (containing “Urgent provisions to counteract the phenomena of violence during sporting competitions”), converted into law with amendments by Law no. 88/2003, and subsequent amendments and additions, the unauthorised sale of admission tickets is prohibited. In particular, pursuant to Article 1-sexies of the aforementioned Law Decree no. 28/2003, “whoever, not belonging to the specifically appointed companies, sells admission tickets in the places where the sports event takes place or in those places designated for resting, transiting or transporting of those who participate to or attend the event, shall be punished with a pecuniary administrative sanction ranging from 2,500 to 10,000 Euros. The sanction may be increased by up to half of the maximum for the offender who sells or offers for sale admission tickets at a higher price than that charged by the company specifically appointed for the marketing of the tickets”. The prohibition and the prescriptions of art. 6, paragraphs 1, 1-bis and 2 of law no. 401/1989 and subsequent amendments and additions may be applied to the infringer.

8. The User acknowledges that the Organiser has granted third parties the right to promote and commercialise services and products within the Venue during the Event. The Organiser does not accept any liability to the User for any detrimental consequences arising from the use of such products and services.

9. The Organiser reserves the right to amend these General Conditions by notifying it to the Purchaser and to the Final User through a notice published on the Gift Card Website and on the Websites. Amendments shall be effective from the time of such publication or from the different date specified on the notice itself; amendments resulting from legislative measures or prescriptions of the Public Authority shall be effective regardless of the publication of the notice on the Gift Card Website and on the Websites.

The Purchaser and the Final User, who have the status of consumer, have the right to withdraw from the contract in case of modification of these General Conditions, within the term of 30 (thirty) days starting from the publication on the Gift Card Website and on the Websites or from the entry into force of the legislative intervention or prescription of the Public Authorities referred to in the previous provision. The right of withdrawal referred to in this Article 9 may be exercised by means of communication to be sent to the Organiser by pec to the address: legale@pec.federtennis.it or by e-mail to the address: legale@fitp.it.

After 30 (thirty) days have elapsed from the publication on the Gift Card Website and on the Website of the amendment to these General Conditions or from the entry into force of the legislative intervention or prescription of Public Authorities without the withdraw of the Purchaser and/or of the Final User, this behaviour shall be deemed as acceptance of the new General Conditions.

10. These General Conditions are subject to the application of Italian law. Any dispute relating to the purchase of the Gift Cards and the Access Cards as well as to the use of the Access Cards and to the access and stay of the User inside the Venue shall be deferred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome or to the jurisdiction of the Court of residence of the Purchaser and/or of the Final User and/or of the User, if the latter qualifies as a consumer under the Consumer Code, with the express exclusion of any other competent Court.